CdE Board is Growing

Beinvenidos a Michelle Cruz-Santiago, Ph.D. to the board of directors of Corazon de Esperanza!

Michelle is passionate about integrating research, teaching, and applied intervention to promote the educational advancement and mental health of disfranchised youth. She attained her Ph.D. in clinical/community psychology from the University of Illinois (UIUC). She now works at UIUC as the Assistant Director of the TRiO Ronald E. McNair Scholars program, a U.S. federally funded initiative aimed at preparing low-income and first-generation college students for doctoral studies. Michelle visited an orphanage in Peru during the summer of 2012 as part of a mission trip. She was deeply moved by the children and staff that she met there, and is excited about the ways that God will continue to use her in the beautiful country of Peru.

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