
The past few months we have focused on the development of our youth transitional home program, including training our staff more effectively, creating job descriptions and a work manual, as well as restructuring our home. It’s been incredible to have people in our ministry who have so many skills and the ability to work together to bring some positive changes! We have also redefined the previous role of ‘Madre Tutora’ to more of a Life Coach for the girls, or Entrenadora. We are pleased to introduce Gasdahly who has taken the role of Entrenadora for Luz de Vida. She has dedicated the next few months to working with our girls daily. After her training period, we pray that she will continue to serve on our team! Please pray for wisdom and strength as she pours herself into the girls who live in our home.


Gasdahly Alday Ramos is originally from Chiclayo, where her family still lives. She has a joyful spirit and has served the youth of her church, Centro Biblico, for many years.

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