Christina’s Time in Peru

We are so excited Christina Rummery was able to volunteer with us, again!  She shares her experience below. 

I, Christina Rummery, have been studying abroad in Quito, Ecuador this semester; and I had the privilege to volunteer at Luz de Vida over spring break, which also happened to fall over Easter weekend. I have been connected with Luz de Vida since its start and have loved its mission since the beginning—to provide a transitional home for youth who have aged out of orphan care in order for them to become independent.

During my time there, the girls were also on break, so we had plenty of time to chat and spend some quality time together—which was truly my favorite part of being at Luz de Vida. I really enjoyed getting to know the girls and staff better through these times. We also had a devotional time together to connect on a spiritual level, led by one of the girls at the house.

One of the churches in the area put on an Easter play that I got to attend with some of the girls and staff. I think it is so cool that we are able to praise our God in both English and Spanish. I got to also attend one of the girl’s youth group, which was a great experience to get to know other young people and learn more about God together. The girls and staff definitely encouraged me during my time there and gave me momentum to continue learning Spanish in order to connect even better with the people of Peru. I got to also help out with some projects around the house, like organizing the warehouse and keeping the beautiful plants healthy. Overall, my short time at Luz de Vida was filled with laughter, friendships, and spiritual nourishment for us all. I hope to be back soon!unnamed-2

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