Many Blessing Given by Calvary Christian Fellowship Church

13775750_1220727354606890_4945766848372101049_nThis group from Calvary Christian Fellowship Church is another group this summer who has helped out in big ways. This group was able to construct a large shed type structure for Graciela to use as an office space for the Hilos y Semillas program. This gives her an area to prepare supplies for the women’s project, and store materials and items that have been made. This is a huge blessing for her. The group was also able to bless an all boys orphanage with donated soccer gear. At the orphanage the group helped clean a play area too. Also amongst the games, Bible memory verses, and yo-yo tricks at youth night in the Luz de Vida house a youth’s life was changed after the topic of salvation was address that night. Isn’t it amazing how God coordinated events and fulfills dreams?

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