Surgery for María

María has been attending our Saturday discipleship classes that are currently held in Liz’ home.  María, the 4th of 8 siblings, spent several years in an orphanage in Trujillo with her younger brother while her step-father served a prison sentence.  She was one of the few who have been reunited with her biological family, although the financial situation is daunting, as both her mother and step-father are field workers.  Continuing the education she had at the orphanage has been a challenge – financially and due to the lack of support.  She is struggling to succeed in school and is lacking many of the needed supplies.  She is preserving with the hopes to graduate and go to the university to study accounting.  Each Saturday morning she meets with our other teens to pray, grow in her faith and also receive support for her studies.

A few months ago, María came to the class with a small cyst on her eyelid. After several weeks, her eye became worse and she didn’t have the means to go to the doctor.  María, who is usually outgoing, became introverted and insecure and even missed several weeks of the discipleship class. Our ministry paid for a doctor’s visit and the topical medication she needed.  However, dud to several months without treatment, the cyst on her eye did not respond to the treatment and became infected.  Our staff took María to visit an eye-doctor again and they decided she would need surgery immediately. The doctor will operate this Monday, September 19, at the Clinica Caceda.  Afterwards, she will stay with our director, Liz, to avoid contamination as María’s home is poor in structure and is located in a very dusty and sandy area.

The surgery, medicine and post-surgery appointments will cost $135. If you are willing to help pay for María’s surgery, please send me an email or give online by clicking the donate button on the right.  Our mission is to not only provide spiritual hope for these teens, but provide the basic necessities they need to be whole.

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